Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

12 ways become engaged employees

Retention in an ever-tightening labor market is one of the most challenging arenas for recruitment today. If a company’s employees are “engaged” in their work they’ll be less likely to listen to that siren call (when it comes – and it will come!) from a recruiter outside its own four walls.
Over the next decade, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects labor will become even scarcer than it is today. What can you do now to alleviate recruiter suffering within your own organization?
By helping your employees become engaged in the work they do, you can lessen the chances that your company will find itself in a serious staffing shortage down the road. Assisting your employees now with these 12 common-sense guidelines is one strategy you can implement to improve your company’s ability to preserve and develop what has become its most valuable asset – its people. Happy and satisfied employees accomplish amazing things.
Some of the advice that follows may appear contrary to a company’s objectives. Do you DARE to be so open-minded as to include this advice to your employees to help them grow strong? I suggest you do! Let the chips fall where they may. Your organization will grow stronger as a result. Remember, happy and satisfied employees accomplish amazing things.
12 Ways to Become an Engaged Employee
1. Evaluate what you’ve done right. Continue or increase your commitment to the positive ways you currently contribute as an employee.
2. Treat your employer right. In all likelihood, your employer pays you a competitive salary, some give you benefits, and training and many of them acknowledge your contributions. Give it back. Let them know you appreciate all that they do for you and the opportunity they have given you. Remember, much of this “opportunity” comes with great risk to them. Give them credit for their belief in you.
3. Get your financial information organized. If your finances are in disarray it’s a pretty good chance your work is too. Get organized and resolve to reduce and finally eliminate your debt. Check your credit reports periodically. Pay your bills on time.
4. If you’re customer-facing, increase your efforts with your employer’s best customers. If the economy turns sour in 2008, help your employer stay the course by not being one of the companies your customers “cut bait” with. Work with them, serve them well, and make sure your company is unforgettable!
5. Market yourself. In down-turns, one of the first things that get the sharp axe in most big companies is the employee roster. It’s a fact of life; stock prices drive corporate decisions. It’s nothing person-al but you need to be in a position that allows you to land on your feet. If you keep up with your own “marketing” your own market share will increase! Market, market, market (yourself)!
6. Diversify your income stream. If you’ve always wanted to own your own business, begin now. Nothing happens over-night. Just about every successful enterprise starts out small and grows daily. Begin now. Use your weekends/ evenings. Today will never come around again. (Use caution: Many people use the phrase “multiple streams of income” to lure you into bad investments or second businesses you know little about or don’t have time to manage. Don’t fall into this trap.)
7. Make friends with and network with recruiters. You never know when one might come in handy.
8. Save money. $50 a week will compound into a fortune over 40 years. A savings account in the lean times will give you courage and help you stay the course.
9. Develop an annual business plan for your enterprise (yes, that’s YOU!). Just like for a business, develop one for yourself. Start thinking of yourself as a business and learn to make decisions for one. It can be a simple plan, but do it!
10. Attend trade shows, conferences, seminars, take classes, and gather new skills, read things! Stay up-to-date in your industry. Create a blog, talk about what’s going on for You, Inc. Contribute something some-where. Bring more to the table than you take away. Do stuff! Lose the 9-to-5 mentality. That’s what some employees have. You’re not one of THOSE, are you?
11. Think of yourself as an asset because that’s what an engaged employee is. Your brain is your most important business commodity. Add to it – nobody can ever take away what’s in it.
12. Finally, remember what truly matters. Tell your loved ones what they mean to you. Become the person you always wanted to be.

Employee Engagement

the quality, availability and optimization of all centralized and distributed IS Infrastructure

Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Sang Pencerah - Movie Trailer


Manfaat Matahari bagi Kehidupan

Manfaat Sinar Matahari

Sinar matahari diketahui memang memberikan pertumbuhan dan tenaga bagi semua makhluk hidup.  Berikut ini beberapa manfaat sinar matahari!
1.    Sinar matahari menghasilkan vitamin D. 
Pada waktu berkas sinar ultraviolet disaring di kulit. Ia mengubah simpanan kolesterol di kulit menjadi vitamin D.  Menghadapkan sebagian dari tubuh ke sinar matahari selama 5 menit memberikan 400 unit vitamin D
2.    Sinar matahari mengurangi kolesterol darah. 
Dengan mengubah kolesterol di bawah kulit menjadi vitamin D, menyebabkan tubuh memberikan peringatan kepada kolesterol yang ada dalam darah untuk keluar dari darah menuju ke kulit, sehingga mengurangi kolesterol dalam darah.
3.    Sinar matahari menjadi penawar infeksi dan pembunuh bakteri. 
Matahari dapat membunuh bakteri penyakit, virus dan jamur.  Hal itu berguna untuk perawatan TBC, erysipelas, keracunan darah, peritonitis, pneumonia, mumps, asma saluran pernapasan.  Bahkan beberapa dari virus penyebar kanker dibinasakan oleh sinar ultraviolet ini.  Infeksi jamur, termasuk candida, bereaksi terhadap sinar matahari.  Bakteri di udara dibinasakan dalam waktu 10 menit oleh sinar matahari.
4.    Sinar matahari mengurangi gula darah. 
Cahaya matahari bagaikan insulin yang memberikan kemudahan penyerapan glukosa masuk ke dalam sel-sel tubuh. Ini merangsang tubuh untuk mengubah gula darah (glukosa) menjadi gula yang tersimpan (glycogen), yang tersimpan di hati dan otot, sehingga menurunkan gula darah
5.    Sinar Matahari meningkatkan kebugaran pernafasan. 
Sinar matahari dapat meningkatkan kapasitas darah untuk membawa oksigen dan menyalurkannya ke jaringan-jaringan.  Faktor lain yang bisa membantu meningkatkan kebugaran pernafasan ialah bahwa glikogen bertambah di hati dan otot setelah berjemur matahari.
6.    Sinar matahari menolong dalam membentuk dan memperbaiki tulang-tulang. 
Dengan bertambahnya tingkat vitamin D dalam tubuh karena terkena sinar matahari, bisa meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium.  Ini menolong pembentukan & perbaikan tulang dan mencegah penyakit seperti rakhitis dan osteomalacia (pelembutan tulang tidak Normal).
7.    Sinar matahari meningkatkan beberapa jenis kekebalan.
Sinar matahari menambah sel darah putih terutama limfosit, yang digunakan untuk menyerang penyakit.  Antibodi (gamma globulins) bertambah.  Pengaruh ini bertahan sampai 3 minggu.  Nitrofil membunuh kuman-kuman lebih cepat setelah pernafasan dengan sinar matahari.  Sepuluh menit di bawah sinar ultraviolet satu atau dua kali setiap minggu dapat mengurangi flu 30-40 %.